So, in #youkai #anime, are "true names" like spirit's social security numbers?
Was it a similar situation in which their names were used for authentication when using an identifier for authentication is a bad idea on its face? It seems like it would track that spirit world bureaucracy is about as broken as United States bureaucracy.
Nisekao-Onna (偽顔女性)
By Nara Moore
Art Mai-sensei
Creepypasta one-shot, set in my Kakuriyo (隠り世) universe. Don’t expect thorough explanations. Life is like that, especially if you accept an offer that is too good to be true.
Tags: #OneShot #Youkai #Yokai #Kitsune #Horror #Creepypasta
#Sapphic #Lesbian #Romance #Yuri
Released: Melancholic Fragment (たそがれ破片)
By Nara Moore
I have heard it said that modern youkai live on the web: AI, NFTs, crypto, viruses, trojans, spam, phishing, etc. What about a few old-fashioned youkai who have adapted to seeking new ways to enter our world? Like 霊人 Takiyashi-hime, the frog sorceress.
Tags: #OneShot #Youkai #Yokai #Horror #Creepypasta #FlashFiction #MicroFiction
Mystery Brides Should Remain Mysteries
By Nara Moore
Art Mai-sensei
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Mystery brides should remain mysteries. (Kitsune saying)
Dedicated to Maxine Fujiwara who loves tomboys 侠 among other things.
Tags: #OneShot #Youkai #Yokai #Kistsune #Fantasy #FantasyFiction #FlashFiction #Iyashikei #SliceOfLife
#PennedPossibilities 500 Your antag’s life in 3 chapters
1 Yakkai Otaku
2 For the Love of Fukitsu
3 Love Beyond the Grave
1. tl Troublesome idol fan. The early years of Mikawa-san. Lots of trigger warnings on this chapter.
2. Fukitsu become’s Mikawa’s oshi. From when she realized Fukitsu is a lesbian till Mikawa’s death.
3. Unable to leave the woman she loves, Mikawa-san reappears as an onryo (vengeful ghost) and hunts Fukitsu.
For Love of a Konbini Idol, Maiyoi-chan Side Stories
Released: Mischief (いたずら)
By Nara Moore
Art Mai-sensei
Maiyoi-chan (舞宵) discovers Shiomi doing the Ushi no koku mairi (Hour of the Ox curse).
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LightNovel #Youkai #Yokai #Kistsune #Fantasy #FantasyFiction #FlashFiction
For Love of a Konbini Idol, Maiyoi-chan Side Stories
Released: Frivolous (軽薄)
By Nara Moore
Art Mai-sensei
Meet Maiyoi-chan, a three-tailed kitsune.
Anazawa Yuka Maiyoi Sanbi no Kitsune (穴澤祐歌舞宵三尾の狐) loves music, dancing, having fun, and playing pranks as only a kitsune can. But beware if you mess with her friend the idol Fukitsu, better known to my readers as Shiomi-chan or Shishi.
Let the fun begin.
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LightNovel #Youkai #Yokai #Kistsune #Fantasy #FantasyFiction #FlashFiction
#writerscoffeeclub #Writing 5. Share a snippet of what you've most recently written.
“Lets’s see if can force our way through the woods,” I said as I approached the forest. The branches intertwined like a shifting, chaotic basket. A wind moved through it seeming to whisper. Ma… ga… ga… mi... I remembered Ume’s stories about cursed truths and blocked it out as best I could. I was about to grab a branch when Kan-chan pulled on my arm.
“We don’t have time! Come on! The Lake!” Kan-chan yelled.
I followed Kan-chan’s gaze where arms were rising from the center of the lake. It was the most terrifying thing to happen to me since the Red Door. I stood frozen as the arms moved toward the shore and heads emerged. The wind whispered Ma… ga… ma… gi… sama.
#WritingHorrors #Writing 1. Describe a monster from your setting or story.
The other woman was dressed in a white kimono that billowed strangely. It was as inappropriate as the light cotton housedress Shiomi wore. My blood ran cold, and I almost froze with terror at the unbelievable sight of Mikawa-san.
Long black hair, flying in a wind no one but she could feel, framed a blackened and bloated face. It was the face of a corpse returned from the grave.
Do you have any idea how much seeing the kids just reminds me of Inu x Boku
Anime source: A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! / Youkai Gakkou no Sensei Hajimemashita!
Episode: 01
#妖はじ #InuxBoku #Youkai #YoukaiGakkounoSenseiHajimemashita #ghoulschool #terrifiedteacheratghoulschool
#aterrifiedteacheratghoulschool #anime #animescreencap #Animescreenshot #animeotaku #otaku
Chapter 31 Released
Kashima-san (鹿島さん)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Do you need your legs? What about your arms?
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #Youkai #Yokai
Chapter 30 Released
Nurse Uguisu (看護師鴬)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Nurse Uguisu: “There is nothing like the love of a nurse. Let me ease your pain.”
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #Youkai #Yokai
Chapter 29 Released
Haikyo (廃墟)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Haikyo / 廃墟 / Urbex: A person who explores ruined and abandoned places despite the risks of ghosts, curses, security guards, and the general physical hazards of such places.
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #Youkai #Yokai
>>Alexandria: Scholar AI
>>Trained only on accredited sources
>>Welcome Hikikomori010
“Why Not? Let’s see if it’s any good,” I thought.
>Summary Takiyasha-hime
>>Mythical late 10-century princess. Reputed to have led an unsuccessful revolt using frog magic.
>> Want to meet her?
“The usual BS,” I thought.
> Sure what the heck, bring on the nonsense
>>I am honored Hijiri-san.
>Wait how do you know my name?
>>How could I not know the name of the premiere sorceress of your time?
>I’m not a sorceress!
>>Pity with so much reikon.
“Yabai! This is bad!” I thought and shut the computer off.
Behind me, I heard the rustle of silks and a soft voice reciting a waka.
In the red room
The owl flies through the gloom
Shadows watch with
Wondering eyes that peer
In the quiet night
“This is very bad!” I thought.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #FlashFiction
#FirstDraft #CharacterSketch
#Creepy #AI #Yokai #Youkai #CreepyPasta
#Waka #Haiku #Poetry
For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Braved the Otherside
Chapter 25 Released: Saquila (サキーラ)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Once again, they slip into the Shadow Realm and in broad daylight, too.
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #polyamory #youkai #yokai #Tengu
For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Braved the Otherside
Released Chapter 22: Shishi and Umi (ししとうめ)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Ume and Shiomi have their second date. It starts weird but ends well.
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #Youkai #Yokai
#transgender #Transmasc #polyamory
For Love of a Konbini Idol, I Braved the Otherside
Released Chapter 21: Debts (負債)
By @NaraMoore
Art @Maisensei
Ume finally calls Tomo, while Ume and Shiomi are total disaster lesbians.
Join Ume & her family as their relationships develop. In a creepy world where “love” never dies
Tags: #KonbiniIdol #LesFic #LGBTQ #LightNovel #Idol #ParanormalRomance #PsychologicalHorror #QueerFiction #Romance #Sapphic #SapphicRomance #Idol #Yuri #Youkai #Yokai
#transgender #Transmasc #polyamory