@yon Pick a fav Humm
Since I focus on the light novel it wouldn't be Othersid Picnic. Which is my top rank light novel.
In the years they were being published it would have been
* Doughnuts under a Crescent Moon
* Catch these hands
* And currently Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord
Doughnuts features a #asexual alloromantic. Coming to terms with that and finding love is the focus.
Catch these Hands a pair of former delinquents and is probably the most original (in a good way)
Monthy is fresh and fun featuring an ex #idol. You can see why that would interest me.
The two of them are pretty much like that. Is the truest to the #SliceOfLife genre. But ends rather abruptly.
She Loves to cook, she loves to eat is the next closet and features asexual alloromantics. And a person with an eating disorder as a side character. It can get quite serious and has lots of cooking and eating sequences. It is not about eating disorders though. It's about found family and enjoying life as your true self. Plus lots of good food.
Our Teachers are Dating would be my choice for I want something happy and light. Followed by Monthy in the Garden.
Forced to pick one I would go with Catch These Hands.