#VHS #Berlin #SignLanguage #Gebärdensprache #Gebärde #DGS #Inklusion #Deaf @volkshochschule

#VHS #Berlin #SignLanguage #Gebärdensprache #Gebärde #DGS #Inklusion #Deaf @volkshochschule
Sanna menetti kuulonsa lapsena ja sokeutui kaksikymppisenä – kertoo nyt, miksi ei halunnut näköä palauttavaa leikkausta
Sanna Paasonen, 45, menetti lapsena kuulonsa, nuorena aikuisena myös näkönsä. Harvinaisesta sairaudesta huolimatta hän toteutti unelmansa ja opiskeli opettajaksi.
Why? Cuz time is scarce. The Deaf world isn't a cozy little bubble. It's a fleeting space carved out between the demands of a hearing centric society. Conversations have a countdown. No luxury of endless chatter. No room for greasing the social wheels.
The #hearing world loves its linguistic detours. Padding every comment with "no offense" or "just saying" as if softening the blow makes the truth easier to swallow.
Say what you mean. Say it fast. Say it right. Direct. Not blunt.
‘It’s always amazing that family members or close friends still don’t understand why we don’t hear perfectly with hearing aids.
They ask: do you have your things in?
This is very frustrating and, because it’s family, I don’t bother trying to hide it.’
This is me. Daily! The assumption that HAs are a cure, not an adaptive technology.
Access Information News for Monday, March 3, 2025 - Volume 1004
The Week's News in Access Information
A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication
#news #accessibility #a11y #disability #blind #deaf #deafblind #ain
Access Information News. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access information.
Subscribers: 35,860
Trying to figure out TTY:
0. See TTY number on a financial services website.
1. Search online for how to use TTY on Android.
2. Find barely anything useful.
3. Try calling the TTY number normally.
"You have reached a number that is no longer in service. Please use [number I can't hear]." *hangup sound*
…Does anyone know how to use TTY on Android?
Tags: #deaf, #Disabled, #Disability, #accessibility, #ThankThankYou
tonight i went to a local trans support group. i was masked and so were a few others but the majority were not. the group was working on a manifesto of guiding principles and then had a zine jam session that was supposed to be inspired by the manifesto. people were encouraged to leave their work for a collage or a leftist lending library. i took mine home.
Tell your representatives that you support the Americans with Disabilities Act and providing d/Deaf people and Hard of Hearing people with ASL interpreters at EVERY government communication.
Want to learn? Awesome! Thank you.
I'm learning BSL (when I'm not increasingly sick -- wear your mask please) cuz I live in the UK.
If you live in the USA, then https://www.lingvano.com/asl/ and
"It never starts with genocide, it starts with rhetoric."
Title: Then They Came for the #Deaf
JFC. American Sign Language is a fucking LANGUAGE. Clue's in the name. I'm so angry.
Any jackass who calls it "wild human gesticulation" is welcome to (go fuck themselves and) learn it themselves. Clearly it's just wiggling around or whatever, right?
Must be easy! Must be quick! Must not be exhausting, precise, and impressive as fuck, actually.
Tell your representatives that you support the Americans with Disabilities Act and providing d/Deaf people and Hard of Hearing people with ASL interpreters at EVERY government communication.
Want to learn? Awesome! Thank you.
I'm learning BSL (when I'm not increasingly sick -- wear your mask please) cuz I live in the UK.
If you live in the USA, then https://www.lingvano.com/asl/ and
Q for #Deaf and #HardOfHearing folks who cannot listen to music or podcasts:
What are your methods for helping you to fall asleep? Are there other senses or activities you engage in order to prevent your mind from being busy?
Oh yeah, here’s the project I’ve been working on :) a lil Girl Scout cookie booth AAC board for nonspeaking kids, kids with apraxia of speech, kids with selective mutism, or even Deaf/HoH kids who want a backup option to sign or speech.
A lot of folks realized that the sale side helps Deaf/HoH folks order, and a few more requested a translation to Spanish and Hindi for their customer base that speak those languages. I provide them all free, with variations for both bakeries (ABC and LBB) in my girl scouting graphics dropbox, bit.ly/GSfilesbyLondon
"The Austrian Deaf community has been well organised and unified by a common language since the 19th century. But since only 10% of Deaf people have Deaf parents, therefore the transfer of language, the preservation of culture and identity and the handing down of the common history are especially fragile. Hence, documenting the experiences of older people and making them accessible for Deaf children and youth is all the more important. National Socialist rule brought forth changes for everyone. The Deaf community was in particular danger (less information, no alarms) and directly threatened by Nazi legislation (e.g. forced sterilisations). Courses of action taken then and ways to deal with memories today vary greatly, just like in the hearing society."
Film 'Shoah' from the project 'Deaf Austrians in National Socialism'.
#HolocaustGedenktag #HolocaustRemembrance #ÖGS #ÖsterreichischeGebärdenSprache #Deaf #DeafHistory #Histodons
just so folks are aware, catchy phrases like "don't buy where you won't be hired" is ableist.
"how's that?" I hear you asking.
ain't nobody gonna fuckin' hire a deafblind AuDHD person. where, then, should I shop?
The #BBC is looking for a Head of Digital #Accessibility, with the role only open to #deaf, #disabled, and/or #neurodivergent applicants. Hybrid working, based at any UK BBC hub. Salary up to £110,000.
Good morning.
16 January 2025
Have you watched the movie CODA? I watched it twice in the last couple of days. It is a very moving, laugh-and-cry film about a young lady in her last year of high school. She is a member of a family of four who make their living fishing. The unique thing about the family is that, with the exception of the young lady, Ruby, they are all deaf. Ruby spends much of her time translating between her family and people who can hear. CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adults. Ruby takes up singing in a school choir and aspires to go to a music college. Her dilemma is whether to stay and help her family or attend college. The movie is on Apple TV.
"It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf." - Walter Lippmann
(Long winded response
Respect for your willingness to share that truth
I’d rather my hand not shake and my various other issues go away tomorrow too, right with you.
I think there’s some #disability pride that’s about differences people may see genuine value in:
#Deaf Culture, some #Neurodiversity that’s a different way of seeing the world…
There’s also pride in the creativity and stubbornness of surviving in general, or despite all the barriers ableist society places before us
If you are deaf or hard of hearing (HOH) in the UK and interested in healthcare access. SignHealth are running a webinar on Thursday 17th Jan at 7pm UK time https://signhealth.org.uk/event/webinar-still-sick-of-it/ to register.
SignHealth did a "sick of it" report years ago and want to promote our rights (inc #NHS #AccessibleInformationStandard), advise us and publicise what SignHealth is hoping to do about all kinds of #deaf access to #healthcare
Presented in BSL interpreted into English with STTR captions.
Please share.